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- MGTOrg1A Version 1. 3 3/1/92
- Subject: ORGANIZATION 1A, [Category: MGT]
- Every RACES unit is comprised of Amateurs committed to serving
- State and local governments by planning, preparing for and
- providing emergency communications in the Amateur Radio Service.
- Judging from the reports I am receiving, there are several
- reasons some state, county and city jurisdictions around the
- country do not have the RACES. Most of the reasons are based on
- their being misinformed or their rejecting the program for a
- variety of personal reasons. An acceptable reason, of course, can
- be that there are no Amateurs in the jurisdiction. Let us review
- some of the reasons:
- 1. The local civil defense/emergency services agency has a
- limited understanding of the RACES. Briefly, there are four broad
- roles for the RACES in any jurisdiction in the nation:
- a. Supplement. The RACES is used to supplement the existing
- government radio systems by carrying the overload communications
- traffic, and to be in place and operating in the event of a
- partial or total failure of regular systems.
- b. Augment. The RACES provides radio communications between the
- EOC and operational government elements not equipped with radios.
- c. Replace. Adequately staffed and equipped RACES can replace
- government two-way radio systems when they fail.
- d. Vertical communications. RACES systems should link the
- Emergency Operations Centers of cities with their county EOC and
- county EOC's with the state EOC. In California, counties should
- link to their State OES Region office/EOC, and the six Regions
- link to the State OES Operations Center.
- 2. One of the most common excuses for having no RACES is "We have
- good radio systems so we don't need anything else." Every
- experienced public safety and telecommunications manager knows
- that there are never enough communications in major emergencies
- -- even when none of the day-to-day systems fail.
- 3. Another excuse a jurisdiction can give the hams (or other
- organized volunteer groups such as MARS, Civil Air Patrol, C.B.,
- ARES, etc.) is "Yes, we will call you out if all other
- communications fail." Think about that one for a minute.
- Unfortunately, some variations of this theme are more prevalent
- than we would like to think. Their use of hams never gets off the
- ground because of some government managers' belief and
- misunderstanding that the volunteers should be called in only if
- all else fails. In other words, "a doomsday resource." To those
- administrators we would point out that:
- a. the hams and other volunteers won't be available to you if you
- call on them only once -- you will have been too late.
- b. volunteers are of little value without prior training to
- understand your mission, your organization, your procedures and
- their role.
- 4. An unsatisfactory experience. An unpleasant episode or
- individual in the past may have "turned off" government towards
- volunteers. You know the old saying, "One bad apple spoils the
- barrel." One emergency services administrator reportedly had an
- unpleasant experience with an intoxicated volunteer and has been
- against volunteers ever since.
- 5. Other administrators complain that "volunteers cannot be
- expected to do the job." This type of statement is frequently
- made by someone who has no experience in, or is unfamiliar with,
- personnel management and -- more importantly -- managing
- volunteers. Volunteers are only as good as their government
- managers equip them to be. They cannot be left to their own
- devices and be expected to perform as may be expected. Criticism
- of volunteers comes easy after the fact. It can be generally
- avoided by training and a clear definition of expectations before
- the fact.
- 6. Inadequate staff. This is a legitimate concern, particularly
- in a small jurisdiction that has a one person OES/CD office. Such
- a person may feel that there is no way they can take on a RACES
- program. If there is no experienced RACES Radio Officer already
- attached to such an office, it would indeed be an overwhelming
- task to startup a viable RACES program. It has been done, but we
- can appreciate those not willing to assume such an undertaking.
- That doesn't automatically mean, however, that there cannot and
- should not be a RACES unit -- not at all.
- What such jurisdictions (and even much larger ones) may not know
- is that the RACES function may be delegated by the CD/Emergency
- Services director (coordinator, administrator, manager, etc.) to
- another agency in the same government. This usually makes the
- difference of that jurisdiction having a RACES unit or not.
- CD/Emergency Services may delegate the RACES function to a
- department willing to accept the program management. The agency
- most widely delegated the RACES function in a county is the
- sheriff. Other county and city departments delegated the RACES
- include communications, general services, police and fire.
- Delegating the RACES to the jurisdiction's law enforcement agency
- is the most widespread practice where it is not directly
- administered by the CD/OES. There are several reasons this works
- well:
- a. The law enforcement agency is a primary response agency in all
- civil defense/emergency services operations.
- b. The RACES requires volunteers who are comfortable functioning
- in a disciplined, cohesive organization; serving as directed,
- both alone and as a team. Law enforcement agencies perform in
- just such a manner.
- c. Law enforcement agencies have and appreciate the need for
- highly effective and responsive communications.
- d. An active, professional RACES unit reflects favorably upon its
- parent organization and is an excellent public relations tool for
- the jurisdiction. The value of these benefits is not lost upon
- elected officials. In short, the RACES can make an agency look
- real good.
- There is a caution we must make when considering the delegation
- of the RACES from CD/OES to another department. The Federal
- Communications Commission authorizes the RACES only to the civil
- defense support mission. The RACES and Amateur Radio must not be
- used for or in place of day-to-day non-emergency communications
- services. Since virtually all elements of any government are a
- part of the civil defense (emergency services), the CD/ES
- director may delegate the RACES to one of these elements willing
- to accept the responsibility. By the same token, any delegated
- department must not consider or use RACES solely as its own.
- For example, if a sheriff accepts the delegation of the RACES
- from the county civil defense coordinator, the sheriff's
- department is assuring that the RACES shall support all county
- departments equally. In other words, the RACES shall support the
- public works, parks, health, airports, roads and any other county
- department. The RACES shall also provide mutual aid, if capable,
- to requests from other jurisdictions.
- We hope this answers some of your questions in this regard. Send
- us more if there is any aspect of the RACES program that is
- unclear. RB019-022 (See address at end of last item in each
- section.)
- Most problems called to our attention about RACES and/or Amateur
- Radio appear to stem from lack of communication. That, in turn,
- creates misunderstandings by both government and the volunteers.
- Our goal is to reach the Amateur Radio operators affiliated with
- local emergency services organizations on a regular basis. This
- may be accomplished by broadening the reach of this weekly net by
- (a) you and the respective State OES (Office of Emergency
- Services) regions inputting these messages to all Amateur Radio
- clubs in all regions having weekly VHF nets, (b) having some of
- the latter copy the traffic from this net, (c) State OES
- developing a VHF net, (d) State OES developing an RTTY and/or
- AMTOR broadcast capability, and (e) any combination of the above.
- The relay of this and all future weekly messages is a start in
- that direction. We welcome your input now on how this statewide
- dissemination may best be accomplished. Our intent is that the
- weekly State RACES informational messages be read, not dictated,
- on the numerous established Amateur nets throughout the state.
- Speed in this respect is not important. Regular and frequent
- RACES and Amateur/OES relationship information is very
- important.RB85-1
- The RACES section in any local government provides emergency
- communications support via Amateur Radio in accordance with a
- written plan. In California our plans specify two levels of RACES
- operators.
- LEVEL 1 volunteers are key staff with on-going RACES duties for,
- and responsibilities with, the State or a local government.
- It is recommended that a local government photo ID card be issued
- this category of volunteer. A Level 1 volunteer chooses and
- agrees to respond to his/her agency when called upon with a
- priority over all other volunteer activities. For RACES, DISASTER
- or equivalent local government form) is required plus a local
- record check.
- A LEVEL 2 volunteer may be all other Amateur Radio operators
- choosing not to be a Level 1 volunteer. This group should,
- ideally, include every Amateur in a county that is not a Level 1.
- Only the OES 99 (or local equivalent) is required. No local
- government ID card need be issued. Level 2 RACES personnel have
- no duties, on-going assignments or responsibilities, and are not
- required to attend meetings or training. The purpose and intent
- is to register all Amateur Radio operators as Disaster Service
- Workers so that their services may be utilized by governments
- unprepared to register volunteers at or during a disaster or
- emergency. It is a State RACES policy not to use unregistered
- volunteers.
- What is missing at this time is a standardized Disaster Service
- Worker receipt that shows the bearer's name and with what
- government he/she is registered in lieu of a government ID card.
- Since a DSW is good for life, such a receipt will not be an ID
- card or a special area pass. RB011
- The following exchange is designed to clarify the differences and
- answer some questions that have been raised.
- Q. "I read the new definitions of the Level 1 and Level 2
- volunteers and how it applies to the RACES. Some of us hams have
- questions. Does Level 1 mean you are nailed down to only the
- activities of their own RACES unit?"
- A. "No, not at all. Let's say that you accept an assignment or
- responsibility on the Alpha County RACES staff. This means you
- are a Level 1 volunteer who has chosen to be a part of the Alpha
- County emergency communications effort. Alpha County will issue
- you an ID card."
- Q. "OK, but let's say there is an incident in Bravo County and
- they have asked for my assistance. I can't do that if I am a
- Level 1 volunteer with Alpha County, right?"
- A. "Wrong! Of course you can go where you want to, but common
- organizational courtesies and procedures should be observed. You
- should contact your Alpha County Radio Officer and tell him what
- you'd like to do if there is no objection. Your Radio Officer,
- you see, may be gearing up to provide official mutual aid and you
- may already be a part of those plans. On the other hand, you may
- be released to do as you please. Remember, however, that your
- volunteering to assist Bravo County is not an official Alpha
- County RACES mutual aid unless the Alpha County Radio Officer
- says so."
- Q. "Then those Amateurs who choose not the be a part of a
- specific agency are not Level 1 volunteers in the RACES, do not
- have a government ID card, but can be Level 2 volunteers?"
- A. "That is correct." RB023
- We welcome RACES bulletins and newsletters so that we may gather
- and share good ideas and positive thoughts with you -- the CD/ES
- Coordinator/Director and your RACES Radio Officer. At least one
- county in the country is fortunate to have recruited as its
- volunteer county RACES officer, a nationally recognized
- communications businessman. His management skills and the unit's
- increased morale are reflected in their newsletter. Here are some
- excerpts from just one monthly issue. Place and people names have
- been deleted.
- COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. At this meeting we will learn about the
- responsibilities of those who work at the Emergency
- Communications Center and how RACES supports the County Fire
- Department. The department's Emergency Management Division is
- installing a considerable amount of Amateur radio equipment at
- its various facilities for RACES operation, with strong emphasis
- on packet radio. This is a very important meeting and all County
- RACES members are requested to attend. RACES members from all
- city organizations are also encouraged to be there. Other Radio
- Amateurs or prospective Amateurs are also invited."
- their 2-meter HT's are needed to work on July 4 with the County
- Fire Department. This will be a County RACES activation and all
- members are requested to participate. The fire department needs
- at least 20 certified RACES operators and, therefore, RACES
- members from cities will be needed in addition to County members.
- During this activation, one RACES operator and a 'runner' will be
- assigned to the County Fire Emergency Communications Center and
- other operators will be assigned to fire inspectors (who don't
- have HT's) at public displays. RACES operators will be assigned
- to roving patrols to report illegal fireworks . . . Assignments
- will be made to unincorporated areas of the County, as well as to
- contract cities. The training program will be held in June and
- all participants will be required to attend that program."
- "RACES SERVES VARIOUS AGENCIES. Much of our training and
- activations have involved the County Fire Department, and we can
- expect our activities to increase with the Department as we
- become more trained and experienced. We consider it a privilege
- to serve the County Fire Department, but we are also available to
- other County agencies. For example, we can expect to be activated
- for communications service to the County Probation Department,
- and a training program is being planned. Other agencies, such as
- the County Sheriff, could also ask that we be activated,
- especially as we become more thoroughly trained as a crack
- emergency communications team. Our level of activations depend on
- you, the members of the County RACES. We need your participation
- in the weekly nets, in scheduled and unscheduled RACES
- activations, at the monthly meetings, and in the training
- programs. We also need your suggestions for activities to make
- our meetings more interesting and we need your volunteered
- efforts to make those activities a success. We also need you to
- recruit other Amateurs to join the RACES. With more members we
- will improve our operations, and we will increase our enjoyment
- in providing this important emergency communications service to
- the citizens of this County."
- [This is another good example of why RACES personnel must be
- trained by and exercise with the government they serve; that
- having an Amateur Radio license is not the end all in emergency
- communications -- it is just the beginning. Training, a thorough
- understanding of your local government and its operations, and
- frequent participation are key requisites to the RACES. The
- training does not have to be civil defense emergency
- communications in order for RACES personnel to become effective
- when the RACES is activated for its intended purpose. Showing up
- for duty the first time in an emergency is usually too late.]
- RB077 AND 078
- The following management priorities have been put forth by COL
- Ernie Pearson, commander of the California Wing Civil Air Patrol.
- These are goals worthy of any government, organization, and its
- volunteers:
- Characteristics of a good meeting:
- RB139
- This series of bulletins has, on several occasions, addressed the
- subject of what government agencies can and should expect from
- RACES members. Herein are some thoughts on what the Amateurs who
- volunteer their services and the use of their personal radio gear
- should expect from their governmental sponsors.
- First and foremost, RACES sponsoring agencies owe their
- volunteers a real effort to learn about Radio Amateurs, their
- capabilities and limitations. This applies both collectively and
- individually. A realistic appraisal of RACES as an auxiliary to
- the full time professional communications staff and equipment is
- basic to their effective utilization. Such an appraisal must be
- accomplished before the emergency situation which causes the
- activation of the RACES. Individual members of the RACES can only
- be effectively utilized if the RACES coordinator evaluates the
- members, just as full time paid staff is evaluated, and hopefully
- placed where they will be most useful when needed. This too must
- obviously be done in advance.
- Utilization of Amateur Radio Communicators by government agencies
- in disaster communications has a long history. Disaster service
- workers are well aware that communication is vital and often
- unavailable due to equipment failure or simple overload of the
- normal facilities. RACES groups can offer extensive and flexible
- augmentation to meet communications needs, often supplying not
- only skilled personnel, but their own privately owned
- communications gear. Modern Amateur capabilities include passage
- of high speed, high volume, virtually error free hard copy
- between field and headquarters, and headquarters to head-
- quarters. This in addition to real time voice communication. Some
- cases RACES units are even capable of supplying airborne video
- images directly to command centers.
- To summarize, Amateur Radio Communicators who volunteer for RACES
- units should expect active support, as opposed to mere passive
- acceptance. The RACES is a proven communications tool, offering
- governments expanded and flexible communication in emergencies,
- at little or no cost. Like any other tool it must be understood,
- exercised, and cared for. Fortunately for sponsoring government
- agencies, RACES people will take care of most of these needs on
- their own, with proper guidance. A reasonable effort by the
- sponsoring agency, and appropriate recognition, can yield
- impressive results.
- RB111-112. [Compilers note: Author of this article, Bill
- Musladin, N6NTJ, Chief State RACES officer at the time of this
- bulletin in Spring of l990, later changed to an Assistant State
- RACES Radio Officer capacity due to health reasons.]
- This material is the result of the interest of people from many
- areas around the country. Their ideas, questions and suggestions
- were then put into these bulletin formats by Stanly Harter,
- KH6GBX, State Races Coordinator, Office of Emergency Services,
- 2800 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, California 95832 between l985
- and l992. Input and comments are welcomed by mail or packet radio
- to W6HIR @ WA6NWE.#NOCAL.CA [Telephone 916-427-4281.]